Centered Bible Study

Meets every week on Sunday at 8:30am

Multipurpose Room

Follow me. That was the call of the first disciples of Jesus. Two seemingly simple words whose meaning takes sixty-six books and an entire lifetime to even begin to understand. As with the first twelve disciples, Jesus calls us into more than an elaborate game of Follow the Leader; this "following" means leaving old ways behind and learning to live a whole new way.

 Christianity can sometimes present faith in Jesus as an eternal fire escape—keeping people from a fiery destination after death. However, when you enter a relationship with Jesus, you get more than the promise of heaven when you die, you are invited to join God in His work each day of your life—right here and right now. Being a Christ-follower isn't a one-time decision or transaction where you swap sin for heaven; it is a lifestyle that begins the very moment you put your trust in Jesus. Through personal transformation only God can produce, you are given the opportunity to participate in His plan to make Him known and at restore all of creation back to the way it was "In the beginning ... "

 Centered, a ten-week discipleship journey, explores the meaning of a Christ-centered life and provides you with the resources you need to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Each week consists of teaching from a customized, Bible-based curriculum, personal time of reflection, and small group discussion. You will explore topics including the cost of discipleship, prayer, stewarding God's resources, serving, and more.

 Whether you are new or mature in your faith, the Centered experience will deepen your relationship to God and reveal His purposes in new and challenging ways. Take a step outside your normal faith "comfort zone" and experience life in Christ. This is a journey to a destination that is both here on this earth (Maturity in your Faith and Holiness of Life) and our final destination, heaven.  

 If you think you can ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and not take the journey of faith you will be sadly mistaken. So get ready for this time of following Jesus' Words and great men and women of God who have experienced this journey you are about to take.  Don’t miss a step of our time together because they build upon each other. 

 Let’s Go! 


Centered Bible Study
Michael Johnson
Group Leader