You Are Not Just Welcome You Are Wanted
Welcome to Living Faith Church of the Nazarene. We’ve put together some information here that anticipates and tries to briefly answer some of your questions before visiting our church for the first time.


It's important to us that you feel welcome and wanted when visiting. We hope our atmosphere will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. The music and worship are built around our response to God for His grace and love that He has lavished upon us.  We may sing songs from different decades and styles to draw God's presence into our presence.  You will not see a drummed-up emotional service.  You will sense the sincerity of those who welcome you at the door, those who serve you coffee, take care of your children, lead the worship, and deliver the message.   We are glad to have you join us in worship! You will be greeted and welcomed.


No matter your family dynamics, you're welcome at Living Faith Church of the Nazarene and we're excited for you to consider being a part of our church family! We intend to serve the whole family. During our worship service, we have care available for infants and children. Your children will receive real spiritual training from a group of caring leaders during this time.

Single or married, children or no children, young or old it does not matter there is a place in Living Faith Church for you. 


You’ll hear an encouraging Bible-based message by our Senior Pastor Michael Johnson or Pastor Mike as we call him. Our teaching is centered on the person of Jesus and how the Lord wants us to grow in a relationship with Him.  The message of God’s saving grace is weaved throughout God's Word. We believe in allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through our pastoral team to inspire us to reach for a holy life a cleansed life free from sin and the desire to sin. We don’t just want to give you information that makes you feel good or simple ways to help improve your life for a season.   Jesus came to renew the image of God into the lives of people today.  This renewal is a life transformation that brings us into harmony with God's Will. We want to equip you to live a life of wholeness and empowerment for Jesus.

You will receive God's Word for your life in an understandable way that will help you connect the dots to live an abundant life in the 21st century. On occasion, one of our staff will also speak and share an impactful and uplifting message as well. The staff form a team and often will each give a message that will address a topic from their style of delivery which helps keep things fresh as well.


Here at Living Faith Church of the Nazarene, we place a high priority on the preaching and teaching of God's Word. The worship service is a time for us to come together as a community to learn, be encouraged, and be challenged by God's Word. Other opportunities exist beyond the Sunday worship service where members have a chance to grow, fellowship, or otherwise be a part of a Church family that lives out their faith together. Ladies Bible Studies, Men's Groups, and Alive Recovery Ministry in Christ are some of those opportunities.